Source code for controllers.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# OpenWebif: BaseController
# Copyright (C) 2011 - 2020 E2OpenPlugins
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import imp
import json
import six

from twisted.web import server, http, resource
from twisted.web.resource import EncodingResourceWrapper
from twisted.web.server import GzipEncoderFactory
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.protocols.basic import FileSender

from Plugins.Extensions.OpenWebif.controllers.i18n import _
from Tools.Directories import fileExists
from Cheetah.Template import Template
from enigma import eEPGCache
from Components.config import config

from import getInfo
from Plugins.Extensions.OpenWebif.controllers.models.config import getCollapsedMenus, getConfigsSections, getShowName, getCustomName, getBoxName
from Plugins.Extensions.OpenWebif.controllers.defaults import getPublicPath, getViewsPath, EXT_EVENT_INFO_SOURCE, STB_LANG, getIP, HASAUTOTIMER, TEXTINPUTSUPPORT, _isPluginInstalled

def new_getRequestHostname(self):
	host = self.getHeader(b'host')
	if host:
		if host[0] == b'[':
			host = host.split(b']', 1)[0] + b"]"
			host = host.split(b':', 1)[0]
		host = self.getHost().host
	host = six.ensure_str(host).encode('ascii')
	return six.ensure_str(host)

http.Request.getRequestHostname = new_getRequestHostname


	from boxbranding import getBoxType, getMachineName
except:  # nosec # noqa: E722
	from Plugins.Extensions.OpenWebif.controllers.models.owibranding import getBoxType, getMachineName  # noqa: F401

	from Components.RcModel import rc_model
	REMOTE = rc_model.getRcFolder() + "/remote"
except:  # nosec # noqa: E722
	from Plugins.Extensions.OpenWebif.controllers.models.owibranding import rc_model
	REMOTE = rc_model().getRcFolder()

[docs]class BaseController(resource.Resource): """ Web Base Controller """ isLeaf = False
[docs] def __init__(self, path="", **kwargs): """ Args: * path: Base path * session: (?) Session instance * withMainTemplate: (?) * isJson: responses shall be JSON encoded * isCustom: (?) * isGZ: responses shall be GZIP compressed * isMobile: (?) responses shall be optimised for mobile devices * isImage: (?) responses shall image """ resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.path = six.ensure_str(path) self.session = kwargs.get("session") self.withMainTemplate = kwargs.get("withMainTemplate", False) self.isJson = kwargs.get("isJson", False) self.isCustom = kwargs.get("isCustom", False) self.isGZ = kwargs.get("isGZ", False) self.isMobile = kwargs.get("isMobile", False) self.isImage = kwargs.get("isImage", False)
[docs] def error404(self, request): """ Perform HTTP Error 404 Args: request (twisted.web.server.Request): HTTP request object """ request.setHeader("content-type", "text/html") request.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND) # TODO: i10n request.write(b"<html><head><title>OpenWebif</title></head><body><h1>Error 404: Not found</h1><br>The requested page doesn't exist.</body></html>") request.finish()
def loadTemplate(self, path, module, args): if fileExists(getViewsPath(path + ".py")) or fileExists(getViewsPath(path + ".pyo")) or fileExists(getViewsPath(path + ".pyc")): if fileExists(getViewsPath(path + ".pyo")): template = imp.load_compiled(module, getViewsPath(path + ".pyo")) elif fileExists(getViewsPath(path + ".pyc")): template = imp.load_compiled(module, getViewsPath(path + ".pyc")) else: template = imp.load_source(module, getViewsPath(path + ".py")) mod = getattr(template, module, None) if callable(mod): return str(mod(searchList=args)) elif fileExists(getViewsPath(path + ".tmpl")): vp = str(getViewsPath(path + ".tmpl")) return str(Template(file=vp, searchList=[args])) return None def putChild2(self, path, child): self.putChild(six.ensure_binary(path), child) def putGZChild(self, path, child): child.isGZ = True self.putChild(six.ensure_binary(path), EncodingResourceWrapper(child, [GzipEncoderFactory()])) def getChild(self, path, request): if self.isGZ: return EncodingResourceWrapper(self.__class__(self.session, path), [GzipEncoderFactory()]) else: return self.__class__(self.session, path) def NoDataRender(self): return [] def noData(self, request): return {} def render(self, request): @defer.inlineCallbacks def _showImage(data): @defer.inlineCallbacks def _setContentDispositionAndSend(file_path): filename = os.path.basename(file_path) request.setHeader('content-disposition', 'filename="%s"' % filename) request.setHeader('content-type', "image/png") f = open(file_path, "rb") yield FileSender().beginFileTransfer(f, request) f.close() defer.returnValue(0) if os.path.exists(data): yield _setContentDispositionAndSend(data) else: request.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND) request.finish() defer.returnValue(0) # cache data withMainTemplate = self.withMainTemplate path = self.path isCustom = self.isCustom isMobile = self.isMobile isImage = self.isImage if self.path == "": self.path = "index" elif self.path == "signal": self.path = "tunersignal" request.uri = request.uri.replace(b'signal', b'tunersignal') request.path = request.path.replace(b'signal', b'tunersignal') self.suppresslog = False self.path = self.path.replace(".", "") if request.path.startswith(b'/api/config'): func = getattr(self, "P_config", None) elif self.path in self.NoDataRender(): func = getattr(self, "noData", None) else: func = getattr(self, "P_" + self.path, None) if callable(func): request.setResponseCode(http.OK) # call prePageLoad function if exist plfunc = getattr(self, "prePageLoad", None) if callable(plfunc): plfunc(request) data = func(request) if data is None: # if not self.suppresslog: # print "[OpenWebif] page '%s' without content" % request.uri self.error404(request) elif self.isCustom: # if not self.suppresslog: # print "[OpenWebif] page '%s' ok (custom)" % request.uri request.write(six.ensure_binary(data)) request.finish() elif self.isImage: _showImage(data) elif self.isJson: request.setHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") try: return six.ensure_binary(json.dumps(data, indent=1)) except Exception as exc: request.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) return six.ensure_binary(json.dumps({"result": False, "request": request.path, "exception": repr(exc)})) pass elif isinstance(data, str): # if not self.suppresslog: # print "[OpenWebif] page '%s' ok (simple string)" % request.uri request.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain") request.write(six.ensure_binary(data)) request.finish() else: # print "[OpenWebif] page '%s' ok (cheetah template)" % request.uri module = six.ensure_text(request.path) if module[-1:] == "/": module += "index" elif module[-5:] != "index" and self.path == "index": module += "/index" module = module.strip("/") module = module.replace(".", "") out = self.loadTemplate(module, self.path, data) if out is None: print("[OpenWebif] ERROR! Template not found for page '%s'" % request.uri) self.error404(request) else: if self.isMobile: head = self.loadTemplate('mobile/head', 'head', []) out = head + out elif self.withMainTemplate: args = self.prepareMainTemplate(request) args["content"] = out nout = self.loadTemplate("main", "main", args) if nout: out = nout elif self.isGZ: return out request.write(six.ensure_binary(out)) request.finish() else: print("[OpenWebif] page '%s' not found" % request.uri) self.error404(request) # restore cached data self.withMainTemplate = withMainTemplate self.path = path self.isCustom = isCustom self.isMobile = isMobile self.isImage = isImage return server.NOT_DONE_YET def oscamconfPath(self): # Find and parse running oscam opath = None owebif = False oport = None variant = "oscam" for file in ["/tmp/.ncam/ncam.version", "/tmp/.oscam/oscam.version"]: if fileExists(file): # nosec if "ncam" in file: variant = "ncam" else: variant = "oscam" conffile = file.split('/')[-1].replace("version", "conf") data = open(file, "r").readlines() # nosec for i in data: if "configdir:" in i.lower(): opath = i.split(":")[1].strip() + "/" + conffile if not fileExists(opath): opath = None elif "web interface support:" in i.lower(): owebif = i.split(":")[1].strip() if owebif == "yes": owebif = True elif "webifport:" in i.lower(): oport = i.split(":")[1].strip() if oport == "0": oport = None else: continue return owebif, oport, opath, variant def prepareMainTemplate(self, request): # here will be generated the dictionary for the main template ret = getCollapsedMenus() ret['configsections'] = getConfigsSections()['sections'] ret['showname'] = getShowName()['showname'] ret['customname'] = getCustomName()['customname'] ret['boxname'] = getBoxName()['boxname'] if not ret['boxname'] or not ret['customname']: ret['boxname'] = getInfo()['brand'] + " " + getInfo()['model'] ret['box'] = getBoxType() ret["remote"] = REMOTE if hasattr(eEPGCache, 'FULL_DESCRIPTION_SEARCH'): ret['epgsearchcaps'] = True else: ret['epgsearchcaps'] = False extras = [{'key': 'ajax/settings', 'description': _("Settings")}] ip = getIP() if ip != None: if _isPluginInstalled("LCD4linux", "WebSite"): lcd4linux_key = "lcd4linux/config" if _isPluginInstalled("WebInterface"): try: lcd4linux_port = "http://" + ip + ":" + str(config.plugins.Webinterface.http.port.value) + "/" lcd4linux_key = lcd4linux_port + 'lcd4linux/config' except: # nosec # noqa: E722 lcd4linux_key = None if lcd4linux_key: extras.append({'key': lcd4linux_key, 'description': _("LCD4Linux Setup"), 'nw': '1'}) oscamwebif, port, oscamconf, variant = self.oscamconfPath() # Assume http until we know better ... proto = "http" # config file exists if oscamwebif and oscamconf is not None: # oscam defaults to NOT to start the web interface unless a section for it exists, so reset port to None until we find one port = None data = open(oscamconf, "r").readlines() for i in data: if "httpport" in i.lower(): port = i.split("=")[1].strip() if port[0] == '+': proto = "https" port = port[1:] if oscamwebif and port is not None: url = "%s://%s:%s" % (proto, request.getRequestHostname(), port) if variant == "oscam": extras.append({'key': url, 'description': _("OSCam Webinterface"), 'nw': '1'}) elif variant == "ncam": extras.append({'key': url, 'description': _("NCam Webinterface"), 'nw': '1'}) if HASAUTOTIMER: extras.append({'key': 'ajax/at', 'description': _('AutoTimers')}) extras.append({'key': 'ajax/bqe', 'description': _('BouquetEditor')}) try: from Plugins.Extensions.EPGRefresh.EPGRefresh import epgrefresh # noqa: F401 extras.append({'key': 'ajax/epgr', 'description': _('EPGRefresh')}) except ImportError: pass try: # this will currenly only works if NO Webiterface plugin installed # TODO: test if webinterface AND openwebif installed # 'nw'='1' -> target _blank # 'nw'='2' -> target popup # 'nw'=None -> target _self # syntax # addExternalChild( (Link, Resource, Name, Version, HasGUI, WebTarget) ) # example addExternalChild( ("webadmin", root, "WebAdmin", 1, True, "_self") ) from Plugins.Extensions.WebInterface.WebChilds.Toplevel import loaded_plugins for plugins in loaded_plugins: if plugins[0] in ["fancontrol", "iptvplayer"]: try: extras.append({'key': plugins[0], 'description': plugins[2], 'nw': '2'}) except KeyError: pass elif len(plugins) > 4: if plugins[4] == True: try: if len(plugins) > 5 and plugins[5] == "_self": extras.append({'key': plugins[0], 'description': plugins[2]}) else: extras.append({'key': plugins[0], 'description': plugins[2], 'nw': '1'}) except KeyError: pass except ImportError: pass if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/shellinaboxd'): extras.append({'key': 'ajax/terminal', 'description': _('Terminal')}) ret['extras'] = extras theme = 'original' if config.OpenWebif.webcache.theme.value: theme = config.OpenWebif.webcache.theme.value if not os.path.exists(getPublicPath('themes')): if not (theme == 'original' or theme == 'clear'): theme = 'original' config.OpenWebif.webcache.theme.value = theme ret['theme'] = theme moviedb = config.OpenWebif.webcache.moviedb.value if config.OpenWebif.webcache.moviedb.value else EXT_EVENT_INFO_SOURCE config.OpenWebif.webcache.moviedb.value = moviedb ret['moviedb'] = moviedb imagedistro = getInfo()['imagedistro'] ret['vti'] = "1" if imagedistro in ("VTi-Team Image") else "0" ret['webtv'] = os.path.exists(getPublicPath('webtv')) ret['stbLang'] = STB_LANG smallremote = config.OpenWebif.webcache.smallremote.value if config.OpenWebif.webcache.smallremote.value else 'new' ret['smallremote'] = smallremote ret['textinputsupport'] = TEXTINPUTSUPPORT ret['debugModeEnabled'] = config.OpenWebif.displayTracebacks.value == True return ret