Source code for controllers.utilities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import six
import sys
try:  # this is only for the testsuite
	from Plugins.Extensions.OpenWebif.controllers.defaults import DEBUG_ENABLED
except Exception:

PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3


PATTERN_ITEM_OR_KEY_ACCESS = r'^(?P<attr_name>[a-zA-Z][\w\d]*)' \
							r'\[((?P<index>\d+)|' \

# stolen from enigma2_http_api ...
# Dezimalwert: 1=TV, 2=Radio, 4=NVod, andere=Daten


# type 1 = digital television service
# type 2 = digital radio sound service
# type 4 = nvod reference service (NYI)
# type 10 = advanced codec digital radio sound service
# type 17 = MPEG-2 HD digital television service
# type 22 = advanced codec SD digital television
# type 24 = advanced codec SD NVOD reference service (NYI)
# type 25 = advanced codec HD digital television
# type 27 = advanced codec HD NVOD reference service (NYI)


SERVICE_TYPE_LOOKUP = {k: v for k, v in six.iteritems(SERVICE_TYPE)}

#: Namespace - DVB-C services
NS_DVB_C = 0xffff0000

#: Namespace - DVB-S services
# NS_DVB_S = 0x00c00000

#: Namespace - DVB-T services
NS_DVB_T = 0xeeee0000

#: Label:Namespace map
NS = {
	# 'DVB-S': NS_DVB_S,

#: Namespace:Label lookup map
NS_LOOKUP = {v: k for k, v in six.iteritems(NS)}

[docs]def lenient_decode(value, encoding=None): """ Decode an encoded string and convert it to an unicode string. Args: value: input value encoding: string encoding, defaults to utf-8 Returns: (unicode) decoded value >>> lenient_decode("Hallo") u'Hallo' >>> lenient_decode(u"Hallo") u'Hallo' >>> lenient_decode("HällöÜ") u'H\\xe4ll\\xf6\\xdc' """ if isinstance(value, six.text_type): return value if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf_8' return value.decode(encoding, 'ignore')
[docs]def lenient_force_utf_8(value): """ Args: value: input value Returns: (basestring) utf-8 encoded value >>> isinstance(lenient_force_utf_8(''), basestring) True >>> lenient_force_utf_8(u"Hallo") 'Hallo' >>> lenient_force_utf_8("HällöÜ") 'H\\xc3\\xa4ll\\xc3\\xb6\\xc3\\x9c' """ if isinstance(value, six.text_type): return value return lenient_decode(value).encode('utf_8')
[docs]def sanitise_filename_slashes(value): """ Args: value: input value Returns: value w/o multiple slashes >>> in_value = "///tmp/x/y/z" >>> expected = re.sub("^/+", "/", "///tmp/x/y/z") >>> sanitise_filename_slashes(in_value) == expected True """ return re.sub(MANY_SLASHES_REGEX, '/', value)
[docs]def get_config_attribute(path, root_obj, head=None): """ Determine attribute of *root_obj* to be accessed by *path* in a (somewhat) safe manner. This implementation will allow key and index based accessing too (e.g. ``config.some_list[0]`` or ``config.some_dict['some_key']``) The *path* value needs to start with *head* (default='config'). Args: path: character string specifying which attribute is to be accessed root_obj: An object whose attributes are to be accessed. head: Value of the first portion of *path* Returns: Attribute of *root_obj* Raises: ValueError: If *path* is invalid. AttributeError: If attribute cannot be accessed """ if head is None: head = 'config' portions = path.split('.') if len(portions) < 2: raise ValueError('Invalid path length') if portions[0] != head: raise ValueError( 'Head is {!r}, expected {!r}'.format(portions[0], head)) current_obj = root_obj for attr_name in portions[1:]: if not attr_name: raise ValueError("empty attr_name") if attr_name.startswith('_'): raise ValueError('private member') matcher = REGEX_ITEM_OR_KEY_ACCESS.match(attr_name) if matcher: gdict = matcher.groupdict() attr_name = gdict.get('attr_name') next_obj = getattr(current_obj, attr_name) if gdict.get("index"): index = int(gdict.get("index")) current_obj = next_obj[index] else: key = gdict["key"] current_obj = next_obj[key] else: current_obj = getattr(current_obj, attr_name) return current_obj
[docs]def parse_servicereference(serviceref): """ Parse a Enigma2 style service reference string representation. :param serviceref: Enigma2 style service reference :type serviceref: string >>> sref = '1:0:1:300:7:85:00c00000:0:0:0:' >>> result = parse_servicereference(sref) >>> result {'service_type': 1, 'oid': 133, 'tsid': 7, 'ns': 12582912, 'sid': 768} >>> sref_g = create_servicereference(**result) >>> sref_g '1:0:1:300:7:85:00c00000:0:0:0:' >>> sref_g2 = create_servicereference(result) >>> sref_g2 '1:0:1:300:7:85:00c00000:0:0:0:' >>> sref == sref_g True >>> sref2 = '1:64:A:0:0:0:0:0:0:0::SKY Sport' >>> result2 = parse_servicereference(sref2) >>> result2 {'service_type': 10, 'oid': 0, 'tsid': 0, 'ns': 0, 'sid': 0} >>> sref3 = '1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:/media/hdd/movie/20170921 2055 - DASDING - DASDING Sprechstunde - .ts' >>> result3 = parse_servicereference(sref3) >>> result3 {'service_type': 0, 'oid': 0, 'tsid': 0, 'ns': 0, 'sid': 0} """ parts = serviceref.split(":") sref_data = { 'service_type': int(parts[2], 16), 'sid': int(parts[3], 16), 'tsid': int(parts[4], 16), 'oid': int(parts[5], 16), 'ns': int(parts[6], 16) } return sref_data
[docs]def create_servicereference(*args, **kwargs): """ Generate a (Enigma2 style) service reference string representation. :param args[0]: Service Reference Parameter as dict :type args[0]: :class:`dict` :param service_type: Service Type :type service_type: int :param sid: SID :type sid: int :param tsid: TSID :type tsid: int :param oid: OID :type oid: int :param ns: Enigma2 Namespace :type ns: int """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): kwargs = args[0] service_type = kwargs.get('service_type', 0) sid = kwargs.get('sid', 0) tsid = kwargs.get('tsid', 0) oid = kwargs.get('oid', 0) ns = kwargs.get('ns', 0) return '{:x}:0:{:x}:{:x}:{:x}:{:x}:{:08x}:0:0:0:'.format( 1, service_type, sid, tsid, oid, ns)
# Fallback genre def getGenreStringLong(hn, ln): return "" # Fallback moviePlayState def _moviePlayState(cutsFileName, ref, length): return 0 def getUrlArg(request, key, default=None): if PY3: k = six.ensure_binary(key) if k in list(request.args.keys()): return six.ensure_str(request.args[k][0]) else: if key in request.args.keys(): return request.args[key][0] return default def getUrlArg2(args, key, default=None): if PY3: k = six.ensure_binary(key) if k in list(args.keys()): return six.ensure_str(args[k][0]) else: if key in args.keys(): return args[key][0] return default def removeBad(val): if val is not None: if PY3: return val.replace('\x86', '').replace('\x87', '') else: return val.replace('\xc2\x86', '').replace('\xc2\x87', '') return val def removeBad2(val): if val is not None: if PY3: return val.replace('\x86', '').replace('\x87', '').replace('\xc2\x8a', '\n') else: return val.replace('\xc2\x86', '').replace('\xc2\x87', '').replace('\xc2\x8a', '\n') return val def getEventInfoProvider(moviedb): extEventInfoProviders = { 'kinopoisk': { 'id': 'kinopoisk', 'name': 'KinoPoisk', # КиноПоиск 'url': '' }, 'csfd': { 'name': 'CSfd', # Česko-Slovenská filmová databáze 'url': '' }, 'tvguideuk': { 'name': 'TV Guide UK', 'url': '' }, 'imdb': { 'name': 'IMDb', 'url': '' } } providerData = None try: providerId = moviedb.lower() providerData = extEventInfoProviders[providerId] providerData['id'] = providerId return providerData except KeyError: pass return providerData def error(text, context=""): if context: print("[OpenWebif] [%s] Error: %s" % (context, text)) else: print("[OpenWebif] Error: %s" % text) def debug(text, context=""): if DEBUG_ENABLED: if context: print("[OpenWebif] [%s] %s" % (context, text)) else: print("[OpenWebif] %s" % text) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest (FAILED, SUCCEEDED) = doctest.testmod() print("[doctest] SUCCEEDED/FAILED: {:d}/{:d}".format(SUCCEEDED, FAILED))